Friday, December 9, 2022

Interstellar Notes

  •  based in future, dust bowl that is making the planet uninhabitable
  • Murph claims she has a ghost when things start to falloff of her bookshelf in her bedroom
  • schools discourage students from studying space exploration 
  • Cooper claims that the ghost is gravity and uncovers a secret message giving them coordinates to a secret NASA facility
  • they go and run into Prof. Brand who explains their secret mission to find a new home on a new planet through a wormhole
  • Cooper agrees to be a part of the exploration group leaving his kids behind 
  • he goes up into space with other scientists to travel through the wormhole and explore three planets and collect their data
  • first planet is aqua planet with huge tidal waves
  • time slippage due to their proximity to the black hole
  • Murph is now the same age as her father
  • The travel to the next planet to find Dr.Mann alive and with an established base
  • Murph finds out that Dr. Brand had given up on solving the gravity equation years before bc it required data from inside this blackhole
  • The real mission was for Cooper and the other scientists to establish a colony and let the rest of humanity die off but they had no idea
  • Mann tricked them into coming to rescue him because he knew the missions true purpose
  • he steals a ship but fails to dock properly blowing himself and part of ship up
  • Cooper sends the ship toward the final planet and leaves in a pod with the robot to shed weight
  • He falls into the black hole and finds himself in a 5th dimension where time can be manipulated 
  • Cooper sends Murph messages from this dimension
  • he feeds her data about the black hole singularity that she needs to finish the gravity equation and save humanity
  • Cooper is saved and brought to this new form of earth where his daughter is now old and celebrated for her scientific discoveries
  • he sets off to find Dr.Brands daughter on the final planet
  • Favorite movie hands down this semester!!!

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