Monday, September 5, 2022

Metropolis Movie Notes

 Division between rich and poor

  •   rich live above ground and poor below ground
  • differences in clothing and actions- workers have dark plain clothing where rich have elaborate Wall Street style clothing, workers/poor head down & rich head held high and proud
  • major themes: rich vs. poor, employee vs. employer
  • workers movement (choreography) similar to that of a machine - this creates a dramatic distinction between poor and wealthy lifestyles 
  • stereotype of rich and poor is still present in society today
Futuristic Architecture

  • gigantic cities, sky bridges, planes flying between bridges
  • city controlled by underground machines
  • tall buildings and doorways make people look small and insignificant
  • the futuristic city they were picturing is still the futuristic city we picture today
Maria and Freder

  • Maria is just a commoner yet she glows
  • Maria and Freder both appear in light colored clothing and stand out among everyone else in the workers city
  • Maria gives the workers hope her character reflects the idea of a "saving grace" and "innocence"
  • Freder is mediator- he will save the workers and unite the city (head and hands) because he is the heart
  • Scientist needed to imitate what was good in society (evil camouflage/imitation)(Maria)
Symbolism in the Movie

  • Maria = savior and destroyer, good vs. evil (distinction between movement and makeup), Mary the virgin
  • Freder= heart and savior
  • Hel - one letter off of hell, represents evil, "machine-man", caused mass destruction and violence throughout city, demonic movement (choreography), representing sin
  • Upside down pentagram above Hel 
  • Machines controlling man and almost leading to their ultimate downfall
  • Biblical references - God wasn't used as punishment the machines created by man are
  • Technology interferes with humanity
  • Today we fear technology itself whereas in the movie the creator of the technology is what is feared
  • Society is easily influenced in the film which is a big thing in society today. People just want something to believe in
  • technology dehumanizes 

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